.. and startled. Click through to full size, and look into its eyes to see what I mean ..
I was debating over a write-up which included people while being part of a flock, getting too engrossed in their personal struggles and drifting away to a point where suddenly they look up and see they are alone, which is basically a non-likeable kind of suprise ...
But then I started thinking up of the effect that social groups have on your activities and interests, which are a big part of your life -certainly a very big part of the life that you control. (I will count the time that you spend poking at random keys in office outside the scope of that definition. Its a strange thing, this poking at keys. I keep doing that every day the way that I have done for five, six years now. Nothing's ever come out of it and I know probably nothing will, but I keep on slogging at it all the same. Maybe some mice somewhere are making an experiment to find out the point where people give up on the typing. That has not been determined yet, and I think that the study is going to be modified to be called "A Tribute to the Human Spirit")
Coming back, so - that is a big enough chunk of life to be defining what you were doing in a particular period of time, the winter of 2000, for example.
Or, the summer of 2008.
It was the time that I had discovered the pleasures of having a friend with a knack for cooking, a wide screen TV and an unlimited supply of movies in the heart of Mumbai, at a three-station distance ride from office. And said friend being a cricket junkie, I also discovered the thrills of IPL season one, which I would have otherwise kept track of through cursory glances at match reports in between random poking of keys. I - without a home team to root for, started cheering for the team of the city that we had begun to call home, escatic in its victories, crestfallen in its defeats, and generally super-optimistic about the prevalence of hopes and wishes over figures and probabilities. Unfortunately the celebrations were not many that year, but while we (WE!) did not win, that summer was the summer that we played cricket, each day for four hours after office, and then sometimes we played some replays too.
Switch to season three, away from appropriate society, I am back to glancing through match reports.
Err.. the thought of watching matches always makes me hungry for popcorn. Even though I am not really watching them. I think I will go fix something to eat. Stuck in a house alone over a weekend has a kind of non-constructive effect over regular eating habits..